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Hillcrest Middle School

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Hillcrest Middle School
Home of the Falcons!

Shays, Andrea

  • Mrs. Andrea Shays

    Hillcrest Middle School

    8th Grade Social Studies

    Team 8-3

    Welcome Back! 

    Hello! My name is Andiee Shays, and I am excited to be your student’s Social Studies teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. I know this will be a positive year for all students as we continue to build our skills and embark on our new discoveries in middle school. I look forward to teaching you this year!

     Supplies per individual student

    1. Fully charged school issued Chromebook and charger

    2. Composition Notebook (Spiral will not be accepted as pages can easily come off the binding) for unit notes/reflections/required writings/bell work This is a required material for this class.

    3. A book to read in class everyday

    4. Pencils, pens, colored pencils, highlighters

    5. Dedicated binder or folder specifically for Social Studies

    6. Two packs of 100 index cards

    *Classroom Requests: Tissues, Hand Sanitizer, Clorox Wipes, Ziplock Bags

    Arizona law requires that public schools provide supplies required for academic success. This list represents optional, supplementary items, which you may supply, at your discretion. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.

    Course Objectives from the Arizona State Standards:

    The 8th grade Social Studies program focuses on Citizenship and Civic Engagement in today’s society. The content focus will be viewed through civic and economic lenses.

    1st Quarter

    2nd Quarter

    3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter

    Foundations of Government, Road to Revolution, British Policies, Declaration of Independence

    Articles of Confederation, The US Constitution, The US Bill of Rights, Citizenship & Civic Participation 

    State Required Civics Test, Civil Rights, Understanding the Law, Women's Rights, Human's Rights (U.S. & World Affairs)

    Global Issues Project, Holocaust/Genocide, Economics


    Arizona State Standards can be referenced at

    In Social Studies, we support the Arizona English Language Arts Standards by focusing on analysis of primary source documents and supporting analysis with text-dependent written answers.

    Grading Scale and Percentage Weights of Assignments

    Practice: 0% Practice assignments do not count towards a student's overall score, but they provide necessary scaffolding for students to ensure they are successful when their learning is assessed. 

    Coursework:  20% To fully succeed in class, each student must be an active participant. This requires that they utilize class time efficiently and to the best of their academic ability. Time in class is expected to be used appropriately.  

    Assessments: 80% Assessments include quizzes, unit or chapter tests, projects, and district assessments. Projects consist of any assignment that progresses over a period of 3 or more days and is made up of multiple components. Students will be notified if projects will have an assessment component grade.

    Grading Scale: 

    Deer Valley Unified School District will employ two grade scales to calculate grades using a traditional averaging calculation method.  One grade scale will be used to mark student proficiency of the standards. One grade scale will be used to calculate the overall course grade. 

    • Traditional Grading -  100-90%=A     89-80%=B    79-70%=C    69-60%=D     Below 60%=F

    • Standards Proficiency Grading - Students will also receive marks for their proficiency toward grade level standards using the following scale:

      • 4 = Highly Proficient

      • 3 = Proficient

      • 2 = Partially Proficient

      • 1 = Minimally Proficient

      • NE = No Evidence


    Late/ Missing Work Policy

    Late or missing work will be accepted up to five (5) days after the due date unless previous arrangements have been made. In the case of an absence the student will be given one extra day per day absent. Ensuring that all course work is submitted on time is essential. 

    Missing work will be treated as such: 

    •  The assignment will be marked with the “Missing” special code in the gradebook

    •  A zero (“0”) will be entered as the score for the assignment in the gradebook (grades 3-12)

    •  No Evidence (NE) will be entered for the standards attached to the assignment 

    • If the work is submitted as Late Work, the zero (“0”) assignment score will be changed to reflect the student’s actual score with no deductions or penalties

    • If the work is not submitted as Late Work or does not meet conditions for Late Work, the score for the assignment can be changed from a zero (“0”) up to a 49%, dependent upon the school’s processes, by the end of the term.

    In order for Late Work to be accepted, students must meet the following parameters:

    • Assignment is not due within the class period

    •  Assignment is not a timed activity (such as a Quick-Write Essay)

    •  Assignment is not a Long-Term assignment (over multiple weeks)

    •  Assignment is turned in within the following time frame

    If a student meets the above criteria, he/she will be issued full credit for the work submitted (no added penalties or caps on the grade that can be earned). The teacher will mark the student’s assignment with the “Late” special code. If the assignment is an assessment, the proficiency level of the standards attached will be entered. Please note: Accommodations included in a student’s IEP, 504, or EL plan may supersede the above Late Work procedures. Consult with the student’s Service Coordinator, counselor, or the student’s support team. 

    Test Retakes/Reassessments

    In order to earn a retake opportunity, a student must complete all of the following: 

    ● Complete all formative coursework related to the content/skill assessed 

    ● Consult with the teacher 

    ● Submit a reassessment plan or application, if required by the teacher A reassessment plan must be scheduled within the following time frames: Within 10 school days after receiving the assessment score


    ALL lessons and content will be accessed through our online learning program-Canvas/DV Online Learning Program. 

    Each Unit of Study is set up in MODULES. 

    Parents/guardians-please become a Canvas “Observer” by following the directions 


    Students’ grades are updated weekly on PowerSchool ( and are synced daily at midnight through Canvas, so changes may not be reflected immediately. Parents may contact the registrar clerk if a parent log-in is needed. 

    SS Classroom Behavior Expectations: 

    All students are expected to be good citizens, respectful and caring of each other, staff and materials.  Students are also expected to put forth their very best efforts by being responsible. Students should also feel free to express their ideas within socially acceptable norms. Our combined goal is to prepare students for a successful school experience.

    MTSS BEHAVIOR Program (The HMS School-Wide Prevention Program)

    Our progressive discipline is based on the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) 

    Students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times. Specific guidelines are outlined in the DVUSD Student Rights and Responsibility (SR & R) Handbook. The school rules apply coming to school, going home from school, and at all school-sponsored events. General misbehavior is handled by the classroom teacher in the following manner:

     PROGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTIONS (teacher keeps record of minors)

    Step 1: Universal Interventions (Warning/Redirection)

    Step 2: 1st Minor Incident Report with Interventions

    Step 3: 2nd Minor Incident Report with Interventions and Parent Email

    Step 4: 3rd Minor Incident Report with Interventions and Parent Phone Call

    Step 5: Major Behavior Referral

    Consequences for inappropriate behavior will be given according to the DVUSD discipline guidelines as outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibility (SR & R) Handbook.

    From the district:

    After careful consideration and in alignment with the developmental needs of our students and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), DVUSD has determined that the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT,  are not suitable for students in grades K-8 (under 13 years of age) and will not be utilized or endorsed in academic contexts.

    Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones may be used before and after school, during lunches or in between classes. To avoid classroom distractions cell phones must be turned off and placed in backpacks, purses or in designated classroom area assigned by the teacher. 

    • If there is an urgent matter or an emergency and you need to reach your student you can contact the front office and they will assist you (623)376-3300

    • If your student needs to contact you there is a phone in the front office available to them.  

    All phones will be stored in class phone holder and headphones stored in backpacks for the duration of class.

    1st infraction: Conference with student.

    2nd infraction: Cell Phones will be sent to the office for student pick-up at the end of the day.

    3rd infraction: Cell Phones will be sent to the office for parent pick-up only.

    Communicating with me: The best way to contact me is through email. My email address is I am looking forward to communication with you regarding the success of your child. Please allow a 24 hour response time. I will often communicate general announcements through “announcements” in Canvas for students and parent observers alike. 


  • Schedule:

    1 period: Adv. Social Studies

    2 period: Adv. Social Studies  

    3 period: Prep

    4 period: Social Studies  

    5 period: Social Studies  

    6 period: Social Studies 


andrea shays

Mrs. Andrea Shays

Welcome to 8th grade social studies.This is my 2nd year at Hillcrest. I am extremely happy to be back at Hillcrest MS this year. I earned my bachelors in anthropology and my certificate of secondary education in history from Arizona State University.

When I'm not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my husband and dog, visiting with my family, watching the movies and hockey. (Go Boston!) and playing video games.

I look forward to an amazing year!