Interested in Wrestling Camp please join us on
Monday October 30th 3-5 pm
Wednesday November 1st 3-5 pm
Friday November 3rd 1:30-3:30 pm
Cost for the camp is $50, payment will only be accepted online for this camp.
If you are interested in attending Wrestling Camp please make sure that Register My Athlete is completely filled out before camp and tryouts and sign up on the door of room 408.
Wrestling Season Practice Starts
Monday November 6th practice starts 6:15 am-7:30 am
Parent Meeting Tuesday November 7th 6:00 pm
Here is the link: https://www.registermyathlete.com/
Please be sure to have everything submitted in RMA, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out Mrs. Biller or a coach!!
Go Falcons
Please create an account at www.registermyathlete.com Register My Athlete, to provide the required paperwork and UPDATED PHYSICAL physical to participate in camp and tryout 2021-2020 team :)
Register MY Athlete Parent Training Guide Step-by-Step