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Hillcrest Middle School

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Hillcrest Middle School
Home of the Falcons!



Interested in Basketball Camp! Monday February 12th, Tuesday February 13th and Wednesday February 14th from 3:00-5:00 pm in the gym. All athletes participating in camp are required to be cleared through Register My Athlete prior to camp. Please sign up on the door of room 408 if you are interested. Camp cost is $50 and paid online. 

Basketball Tryouts will start on Tuesday February 20th for all teams. All athletes trying out are required to be cleared through Register My Athlete prior to the start of tryouts!! 

7th grade girls Tuesday February 20th, Wednesday February 21st and Thursday February 22nd tryout in the morning 6:15 am-7:30 am.

7th grade boys Tuesday February 20th in the morning 6:15 am-7:30 am. 

                         Wednesday February 21st in the afternoon 3-5 pm 

    Thursday February 22nd in the afternoon 3-5 pm 

8th grade boys and girls Tuesday February 20th, Wednesday February 21st and Thursday February 22nd tryout in the afternoon 3-5 pm. 


Here is the link:



Please be sure to have everything submitted in RMA, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out Mrs. Biller or a coach!! 


Go Falcons



Please create an account at  Register My Athlete, to provide the required paperwork and UPDATED PHYSICAL physical to participate in camp and tryout 2021-2020 team :)  


Register MY Athlete Parent Training Guide Step-by-Step 


MIddle Level Athletics Page